Central-bank independence (央行独立性)

Central bank independence (中央银行独立性 zhōng yāng yín háng dú lì xìng) refers to the autonomy (独立性 dú lì xìng/自主性 zì zhǔ xìng) of the central bank from the direct influence of political or governmental entities in the conduct of policy. See “central bank” (中央银行 zhōng yāng yín háng).

Part1: Breakdown of Words

  • “Central” (中央 zhōng yāng) as in “central government” (中央政府 zhōng yāng zhèng fǔ), or “central air conditioning” (中央空调 zhōng yāng kōng tiáo).
    • ” (zhōng) as in “China” (中国 zhōng guó), “intermediate” (中级 zhōng jí), “middle” (中间 zhōng jiān), or “Central Europe” (中欧 zhōng ōu). 
    • ” (yāng) as in “beg” (央求 yāng qiú), or “CCTV (China Central Television)” (央视 yāng shì). 
  • Bank” (银行 yín háng) derives from:
    • ” (yín) as in “silver” (白银 bái yín), “silver-colored” (银色 yín sè), or “silver screen” (银屏 yín píng).
    • ” (háng) as in “industry” (行业 háng yè), or “rank” (行列 háng liè).
  • “Independence” (独立性 dú lì xìng) derives from:
    • ” (dú) as in “lonely” (孤独 gū dú), “alone” (单独 dān dú), or “unique” (独特 dú tè).
    • ” (lì) as in “stand” (站立 zhàn lì), “isolation” (孤立 gū lì), or “immediately” (立刻 lì kè). 
    • ” (xìng) as in “property” (性质 xìng zhì), “personality” (性格 xìng gé), or “gender/sex” (性别 xìng bié).
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