Floating exchange rate

Floating exchange rate (浮动汇率 fúdòng huìlǜ) refers to a country’s exchange rate regime in which the value of the currency is determined by its supply and demand on the foreign exchange market.

  • (fú) as in buoyancy (浮力 fúlì),  emersion (浮出 fúchū) or floating clouds (浮云 fúyún). The character contains (shuǐ; water) and describes the situation when a certain item floats on the water.
  • (dòng) as in sports (运动 yùndòng), animals (动物 dòngwù) or moving/touching (动人 dòngrén).
  •  (huì) as in (汇款 huìkuǎn), (汇钱 huìqián) or converge (汇合 huìhé).
  •  (lǜ) as in ratio (比率 bǐlǜ), heart rate (心率 xīnlǜ), probability (几率 jīǜ), or efficiency (功率 gōnglǜ).
Floating (or flexible) exchange rates (浮动汇率 fúdòng huìlǜ) word examples:
  1. Floating (or flexible) exchange rates regime (浮动汇率制 fúdòng huìlǜ zhì).
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