Managed float (操纵汇率浮动)

Managed float (政府操纵的汇率浮动 zhèngfǔ cāozòng de huìlǜ fúdòng) refers to the exchange rate floating that is manipulated by the monetary authority.

  • (zhèng) as in politics (政治 zhèngzhì); (fǔ) refers to the seat of government. 政府 (zhèngfǔ) means government.
  • In ancient Chinese, (cāo) means contracting something and (zòng) means releasing something; the combination of the two words is to describe the ability to control or manipulate.
  • (huì) as in converging (汇合 huìhé) or vocabulary (词汇 cíhuì); (lǜ) as in rate (比率 bǐ lǜ) or probability (几率 jī lǜ). 汇率 (huìlǜ) means the exchange rate.
  • (fú) as in emerging (浮出 fúchū); (dòng) as in movement (动作 dòngzuò). 浮动 (fúdòng) means floating. A common phrase is 浮动汇率 (fúdòng huìlǜ) that means floating exchange rate.

Managed float (政府操纵的汇率浮动 zhèngfǔ cāozòng de huìlǜ fúdòng) word example:

  1. Managed floating rate system (有管理的浮动汇率制度 yǒu guǎnlǐ de fúdòng huìlǜ zhìdù).
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